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Japan consideres using its expanded defense powers

发布时间:2016-09-19  来源:CCTV  字体大小[ ]

A year after Japan passed controversial national security legislation, the country is preparing to put that expanded military powers to use.

The government will decide in October whether to allow peacekeeping personnel to defend foreign soldiers or civilians under attack in South Sudan. The troops are conducting drills to prepare for the possible missions.

The decision will be made based on public opinion and progress in training. If the new duties are added, peacekeeping action plans will be revised as early as October, then approved by the cabinet.

One out of seven personnel will be assigned the new duties if it was approved. The plan have drew opposition insides the country....Democratic Party-led opposition is demanding that the legislation be scrapped, citing reasons that many scholars view it as unconstitutional.

中国全民传媒网摘编GAN JADE

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